Monday, October 31, 2011

I Can Hardly Keep My Eyes Open Pinterest Monday...

Needless to say, I am exhausted.  After a week of prepping for the move, moving, unpacking, painting, building, drilling, and organizing, I am wiped out.  I feel like I need a whole week off of work in order to recover and get everything done around the house.  I've taken a lot of good "before" pictures of the house, now I just need to make stuff happen so I can take some "after" pics!  Until that actually happens, here are some of my favorites Pins of the week, all things that made me smile despite my desire to just go to bed...Have a good week!

You know you've been there.

Un PC?  Yes.  Hilarious?  Most definitely.

Just funny.

Pomeranian + Husky = Pomsky.  I want one.